Welcome to the Nemaplot project
The home address of the analysis of hyperspectral reflectance data.
Smart solutions for your (hyper-) spectral sensor information of field, lab & greenhouse experiments, standard screenings, breeding nurseries and farming.
We deliver statistical proven parameters, which compress the hyperspectral information of your experiments to one comparable number.
Our Service, your benefits in:
- Real time management & control of crop experiments
- Analysis of experiments
- Plant breeding & phenotyping
- Image analysis
- Quantifying continuous traits
- Model combinations
- Components for digital & smart farming development
in remote-control technologies, not only in smart agriculture. The contemporary statistical models applied on hyperspectral reflectance data for agriculture precision & digital farming, plant phenotyping and/or plant breeding, parameter estimation of differential equation systems, enhance the understanding of the data and ensure that you make the maximum use of the data you collected and own.
Management: Dr. Kai Schmidt