Nemaplot hyperspectral data analysis and population modellingEvaluation reinvented


hyperspectral signals and variance

Welcome to the Nemaplot project

The home address of the analysis of hyperspectral reflectance data.

Smart solutions for your (hyper-) spectral sensor information of field, lab & greenhouse experiments, standard screenings, breeding nurseries and farming.

We deliver statistical proven parameters, which compress the hyperspectral information of your experiments to one comparable number.

Our Service, your benefits in:

in remote-control technologies, not only in smart agriculture. The contemporary statistical models applied on hyperspectral reflectance data for agriculture precision & digital farming, plant phenotyping and/or plant breeding, parameter estimation of differential equation systems, enhance the understanding of the data and ensure that you make the maximum use of the data you collected and own.

Management: Dr. Kai Schmidt


Summarised overview Hyperspectral Analysis

Last update: January 2022


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